 Revised Tentative Schedule - Combined Nursing & Paramedical Entrance Examination - 2024                        Topper's List               ADMISSION OPEN
About Us

Welcome to Apex Paramedical Institute

The Apex Paramedical Institute is situated in the sprawling premises of the Apex Hospital and Apex Paramedical Institute in the heart of the historical and religious city of Varanasi, formerly known as Kashi. The Apex Paramedical Institute is pioneering institution in the city of Varanasi and also in the State of Utter Pradesh. This institution provides an aesthetic learning environment with various teaching-learning facilities like lecture-sessions, demonstrations, workshops, seminars, conferences etc.

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Skilled Instructors

Well experienced and highly qualified faculties specializing in their fields

Regular Classes

Offline & Online regular classes


Fully equipped laboratory manned by experienced staff

Book Library

Modern library well stocked with more than 2000 books relating to Paramedical


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